What day is it today?
So today is my birthday (jay). Birthdays are always so overrated and anti-climactic. This year is no different of course. Why do we make such a big deal about birthdays? Why do we blow out candles? Is it really to celebrate that person's life, or to celebrate the fact that they we haven't died yet? Or just an excuse to eat cake? Well, any of the above work for me. I like any excuse to eat cake, which I'm sure comes as a complete shock to anyone who knows me. Anyways, michelle has gone for the night so I'm spending time with my dog. well, he's actually just sleeping on the couch next to me and not paying much attention to me. So I'm just going to use this as an excuse to put a picture of him on my blog. Anyways, Happy Birthday to me and everyone else who shares my birthday with me . . .Kyle, Collette, Rowena, etc. All these people stealing my birthday.