Barefoot and Happy

The thoughts, ideas, and goings on of 2 people that hate shoes.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Loving life in the city

Hello anyone who reads our blog!!!

We have been living in Saskatoon for 16 days now......and even though we haven't seen many of the people we still want to see or made hardly any of the plans we intend to make.....we've still had more of a social life than we've experienced in well, too long............

For those of you who didn't get an email from either Jay or I over Christmas, our new contact information is:

702 Balmoral Street

Saskatoon SK S7K 0Y8

(306) 343-7045

If you're not familiar with Balmoral Street.......we're on the corner of 7th Avenue, just off of Warman, in North Park. It's a cute little neighborhood.....I love it! We take Hesje for walks along the river, he's terrified of the bridges, which is hilarious! And for how small our little house is, it's still nice & cozy and feels like home.
We went to church at The Journeys today.....what an incredible service! The concept for the church is very unique.....I love that it exudes the intention to be in the world, in the community and not just floating around life like the useless Christians some of us are.....not making any difference to anybody.....

But God sure had Riley pack a punch.....I get all inspired and start making lists of all the things I'd love to DO for a change, things to make a difference.....and I'm getting all on-fire and excited, when he speaks up, saying that he feels some of us might be concentrating too much on being Marthas and not enough on being Marys....that some of us just need to actually spend some time with God!!!!!
What an earth-shattering idea!!!! Well, it was for me anyway.............Ask us the next time you talk to us or see us, if either Jay or I got off of our buts and followed through with that challenge.....I better say yes!


Blogger Jason said...

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6:18 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

I'm glad that you guys found Journeys. Although it's a church that I haven't been able to attend for a very long stretch because of work and now being gone...the concepts and people are very dear to my heart. And even though I really shouldn't pressure you in any direction other than the way God's leading...I hope that you will eventually consider Journeys "home".

6:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jay and Michelle,
I was home in Ontario for 5 days after Christmas and went to my home church for Sunday Dec. 31. Whew - I've been in the north too long. I felt totally like an alien in a large very contemporary concept church. They are in a beautiful brand new building and things have really changed in the last 4 years. Thankfully the faces of friends were still the same, well, maybe a little wrinklier :) But I talked to myself later and decided I could get to like it. For the's little ol' Smeaton with "Oh, you can't get to heaven without - S, A, L, V A, T, I, O, N, every Sunday, really. Think I'll come to visit you.

10:09 PM  
Blogger The Erickson Family said...

Hey! Do you have a website for Journey's???

7:12 PM  
Blogger Jay&Michelle said...

We have to admit Jason, that part of the reason why we want to attend there, is because it's also your church.....but we went again last Sunday, in fact, Dayna & Nicole came with us....and it was awesome again....Riley started talking about "Waking Up," and "Opening your eyes," and, I got all fired-up again.....

Louise, you better come & visit, we'd love that!!!! I love spending time with you, I often have to remind myself that you're not my camp director.....

Steven & Shannon....the Journeys blogsite is:

10:57 PM  

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