Barefoot and Happy

The thoughts, ideas, and goings on of 2 people that hate shoes.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Jay & I went to the downtown library last night and I took out 11 books!!!! That is actually, ridiculously typical for me. Jay only took out three. He also had to carry the books home for me, and says that he will not be carrying them back into the library until I have read them all!

I am up for the challenge! At times I have been a crazy book-aholic....but, for the last couple of years, reading has not come as easily for me.

I took out some fascinating titles though and I'm very much looking forward to reading them....

I will have to tell you all about it........when I actually do that!

BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT that I can already tell you! I read "The Fellowship of the Ring" in it's entirety a couple of weeks ago....... Althougth I am quite pleased with myself.....I do have to say that I'm thinking about reading it again before I move forward or backward with the series.....because I didn't write down a single quote......And generally, when I read something, and don't write anything down........I wasn't absorbing the information so that it meant anything to me......... I will blog about my even bigger accmoplishement once I've re-read the book with notetaking!!!

Another challege to myself that is connected: I've decided to seriously make at attempt at TV-free time in our house. Jay & I are obsessed with too many shows.......We watch, on a regular basis: American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, Smallville, The Apprentice, Survivor, The Amazing Race, Lost......and I watch every single awards show known to man!

Tonight, after Grey's was over, I emphatically declared to Jay that the rest of the evening should be TV-free.....and so it has been......he played some piano, I did some laundry, he cleaned the house a little, I spent some much overdue time with God.......and now I've had a ton of fun....blogging......
I plan on recording every day, how many hours were TV-free, when we were home & could have been watching TV......I will tally up the totals at the end of the weeks and each week, try to create more TV-free time. Maybe, after a few weeks, I really will have read all of those 11 books!!! Stay-tuned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

us also...have determined to have less TV time...not that we all watch anything together but by the time three of us watch what we wanna watch the machine is on too much. We are turning off the dish, for a time. More time to study and yes read the 8 books I borrowed from the library this week. Actually, read Patricia Cornwall, it's just about like watching CSI. And as we get closer to spring, who needs the TV anyways.
Take care you two, catch up with you sometime. Oh yeah, I am a grandma as of the 23rd. Baby Ty is just 5 lbs. 8 oz. but safe and now at home.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Jay&Michelle said...

Louise!!!!! Congratulations on being a Grandma! Guess what? I was exactly 5 lbs. 8 oz. as well (this is Michelle)!!!! That's crazy! I was so small, I couldn't keep my own body warm and had to be in an incubator for a few days......weird! Good luck with your TV-Free time, we're definetly working on it.....I will maybe check out that Patricia Cornwall....although, I don't usually read mysteries unless they involve hobbits or wizards!

1:20 AM  

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