Barefoot and Happy

The thoughts, ideas, and goings on of 2 people that hate shoes.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

exciting news!!!

Hey everyone, this is Jay. I know it's been a very long time since I've done any blogging on this thing. . . well sorry, I guess I didn't have anything to exciting to say. Anyways as most people know, I've been working at the Saskatoon Club serving rich people their food and drinks. It's been okay. It's really casual and easy but sometimes boring and very unchallenging. The pay really hasn't been very good either. Well anyways, I got a new job. I'm going to be in management at Boston Pizza on 51st street here in Saskatoon. I know that most people who know me know that I didn't want to work at BP's anymore but that was as a server. I'm excited to have a new challenge in an industry that I know. I'm glad that I'm finally moving up in the industry. I have to finish the week at the Saskatoon Club and then I get into training. So yeah. I'm glad.


Blogger Matt said...

I got so excited when i read the news i thought, man i should go down there and see Jay... but then i realized, that I no longer live in Saskatoon.... weird

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ever sweet! You now get a chance to put all those 'team' initiatives and working together theories that you learned at school and at camp to the real test! I wish it was in a PA BP though, although I know you don't. I have a kid who needs a job and has thought about applying there. You will be just the bestest supervisor.

11:24 AM  
Blogger The Erickson Family said...

How is this job going Jay???

10:46 PM  

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