Barefoot and Happy

The thoughts, ideas, and goings on of 2 people that hate shoes.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Please Pray for us

For anyone who reads this blog today, could you please pray for Michelle and I as we have an important job interview tonight. At 9:30 tonight we have an interview to be the new directors of a camp. Michelle and I really feel like God wants us to work at camp, whether or not this is the camp is up to Him. But if you could pray that His will would be done in all of this. It's exciting. This is the start of us getting back into our own place and into our our life again. Thank you to all of you who keep us in their prayers.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanksgiving Again!!

So Michelle and I have discovered something great. Michelle's parents moved to the States this past summer, Montana to be particular. The one great thing that has come out of this is that we now get 2 Thanksgiving holidays!! For someone who loves holiday cooking as much as I do, this is a gold mine. We get the regular Canadian Thanksgiving back in October and now one in November as well. Then we only have to wait a month till Christmas. So I've decided I need to strive to have some sort of large holiday meal once a month. It's pretty much the same meal except that we had sweet potatoes which are really good. So yeah, it's good.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I'm happy with my computer again

So I've managed to find good software that has helped me to recover over half of all my files that were lost. I got all of my pictures back, most of the videos I had back, and about half of all the word processing files that I had. I did lose about 95% of all the music I had on my computer which is ok because most of it was downloaded years ago and I don't really listen to it all that much. But I'm happy going from having all of it gone to having some of it back . . . I still think I'd like a mac.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Computer Users Beware

So yesterday I was working on my laptop which is only about 6 months old and it froze up on me. It works on windows xp so it's not that unusual that it crashes. So I had to manually turn it off which I've done plenty of times before and when I tried to turn it back on I ended up with a blue screen that said there was a problem called "BAD_POOL_CALLER". . . Bad Pool Caller??? What the heck does that mean? So I tried many different things to get into windows, safe mode, command prompt, but nothing works. So I decided to try to do a system restore that wouldn't affect the data on my computer. . . it didn't work either. So I called HP and asked for help. . . I was told that occasionally windows simply corrupts itself and needs to be completely restarted. . . So that's what I had to do. Yup, I lost everything on my computer, all files, songs, pictures, programs, etc. What's worse? I didn't back up the files on my computer at any time so I'm back to square one. So here's the warning Back up your files onto disk from time to time. Either that or buy an apple computer and you won't have that problem. . .I wish that I did. So there won't be any new pictures added to this blog anytime soon because they are all gone. . . oh well, it's just a computer. It works now.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Change in attitude and perspective

So I know that my last blog entry seemed slightly depressing but well, that's how I was feeling. Although in the act of writing that entry it made me realize some very important truths that I needed to learn. My life does need to be intentional and working towards the dreams that God has given me. But a wise old (haha!!) uncle of mine once told me that "I know its cliche but time REALLY does go faster as you get older. I think living in the moment is a gift from God and those who have the hang of it have something special." I need to learn to live right now for God, not in the future or in past regrets. So my perspective and attitude is what really defines how happy I am. And really what is happy? What is being unhappy? They are feelings and emotions. Being content is something completely different. Being content in what God has given me and where God has placed me leads to feelings of happiness. I am learning these things and it really does help.
I'm not really sure why I've decided to take my blog and turn it into a philosophical discussion on life but I guess it's more important to discuss these things than just write about trivial every day things. I've also noticed that people don't really like to comment on blog entries that are serious and philosophical. So you don't have to comment. . . it's just kinda funny. But this is not a guilt trip. I still love you even if you don't comment on my blog.